Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Michael Savage Banned from Britain?

Very disturbing trend I'm noticing from the left, especially in Europe. It seems that actually debating substance in the public forum is growing too tiring for some on the left. The new tactic seems to label all opposing views as "hate" and then attempt to ban/ silence those views and even ban the person from the country or even jail them.

It is a clever tactic and if the leftists get enough people in government, it is scary how far this could go. They seem to want to expand the definition of "hate speech" ever so slowly into the realm of conservative ideology. A clever way to silence the opposition while claiming not to.

I think we should monitor legislation like this in our own country very closely. Already we hear of Vets being profiled by DHS for potential terrorist activity as well as new "hate crimes" legislation. There was talk in Canada of criminalizing priests speaking against homosexual acts during sermons as "hate speech"! Scary stuff indeed...

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